
I recently introduced some new signals (Q(Double)SpinBox::textChanged, QComboBox::textActivated) as replacements for old ones to be able to avoid the use of QOverload<>::of in Qt6 and to better match their respective properties. Within those changes I also marked the old signals as deprecated with QT_DEPRECATED so the developer gets an information to no longer use this function in new code. This lead to a lot of warnings in old code which needs to be compiled with 5.9 and 5.12 (e.g. in QtCreator) which can't be fixed because there the new function is not yet available. It was requested to remove the QT_DEPRECATED decoration until e.g. 5.15. but I think then it's too later to be able to remove them with Qt6. See https://codereview.qt-project.org/252208 for the discussion and a possible solution here: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/254909/

So what's the correct way to deprecate a function and not forgetting about QT_DEPRECATED later on as it happened with a lot of functions during Qt4 times?

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