Il 03/04/19 13:58, Mitch Curtis ha scritto:
I have a question regarding this particular implementation, that is,
why adding dedicated testing functions? Can't you "simply" change the
currently existing QVERIFY/QCOMPARE to throw exceptions in case of
failure, instead of returning from the current test function? This
would achieve major consistency -- simply use the same functions
everywhere, no matter what.

To me, a change like this (making the existing macros throw) seems more like
a Qt 6 thing, but I could be wrong. I only went with new macros because I
was afraid of breaking stuff, but yeah, just changing the existing ones would
be ideal.

If you expect Qt 6 to be as much source compatible with Qt 5 as possible, then you can make this change right now as much you can make it in Qt 6.

So, let's discuss: what breaks if you make today's macros throw instead of return?

This idea isn't failproof, as:

1) it requires the exception to propagate through a direct
QMetaObject::invoke (that is, whatever mechanism testlib uses to
invoke the test functions); but that should be already supported and
tested, even.

Hmm, I hadn't thought about invoke()... hopefully that's not an (unsolvable)
issue, otherwise it kinda ruins this whole idea.

As I said, I believe these codepaths support exceptions (but it's not exactly documented). If they don't we can should fix them to do so.

2) it causes a minor SC in case the user was doing it wrong --
"catching all", without rethrowing an unknown exception type. Before,
a failing test would simply return. With this idea, it would throw,
and the exception could be caught by the catch all and not used to
block the execution of the current test function.

The last can be solved in a very simple way (e.g. make this mechanism
opt-in; and also provide something to the user to test if the current
catch-all is a Qt test failure, via std::current_exception()).

What kind of opt-in mechanism did you have in mind?

Anything that is suitable -- env variables, a different macro to create the test's main, something to set in your initTestCase(), a CONFIG switch in your .pro, etc.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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