Hi Qt Developers,

Coin production has been updated

  Tue Apr 30 09:34:55 UTC 2019

and is running live and strong.

Since this is massive update that contains 900+ patches since 25th of 
January, I wanted to save you from the trouble of floundering through 
the attached git logs by providing you with a nice and short summary of 
added features/functionality:

  - Multi-platform tests are now supported. In order to run tests on 
platform X with binaries built on platform Y, can now define Build 
Template & Test Template separately (instead of the traditional single 
Template field). This will need to happen in Coin platform definitions 
(eg. qt5/coin/platform_configs/). Alternative way to enable the feature 
is to add "BUILDTESTSINBUILDPHASE" in features list that will 
automatically trigger building the test binaries in build phase.

- Submodules can now define their own provisioning scripts. For example, 
qtbase can now execute its own provisioning scripts without needing to 
run changes through qt5.git.

- To provide better support for Android testing, we have implemented 
custom platform configurations that allows users to change the existing 
hard-coded configurations. The feature can be used via Schedule Build -> 
List Configurations -> customize.

- Configure arguments can now be defined as a literal strings instead of 
feature enums. This will hopefully make it more clear what is actually 
executed on the state machine (VM). We are expecting the qt developers 
to start migrating their configure arguments to use the new convention soon.

- Logs can be opened faster. This is achieved by showing only partial 
log on the Webui. The full log is can be requested via the "Raw Log" 
link or Hide/Show Full Log -button.

- Task search algorithm has been improved and now it can return matches 
from the full integration cache instead of only currently visible tasks. 
For additional debugging support, we have added links to copy 
buildkey/storagepath that allow Coin maintainers to easily search 
through integration cache.

- Nightly builds can be configured on the Webui instead of needing to 
request to the CI team. You can add new CI cron jobs via the Nightly -page.

- Performance improvements that hopefully makes scheduling integrations 

- Bunch of bug fixes.





If you experience problems with the new Coin version, you can refer 
either to the Coin Revision -page or visit 
https://wiki.qt.io/Reporting_Bugs#Reporting_bugs_for_CI and follow the 

All the best,

Aapo Keskimölö - Coin Maintainer

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