On Fri, 7 Jun 2019 at 02:08, Simon Hausmann <simon.hausm...@qt.io> wrote:
> Am 06.06.19 um 15:52 schrieb Christian Gagneraud:
> > On Fri, 7 Jun 2019 at 01:35, Bogdan Vatra via Development
> > <development@qt-project.org> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I won't hold my breath for community support for iOS. iOS is out for so 
> >> many
> >> years, yet CMake has no support for t.
> >>
> >> iOs is not a show stopper if and only you're prepared to drop this plaform
> >> from Qt 6 in case cmake support will be poor or non existing.
> > IOs, Android (and other upcoming OS [1]) multi-arch  builds are IMHO a
> > hard-requirement.
> > Since when the build system "candidate" dictates Qt supported platform?
> > I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.
> >
> > And now people are calling for "community" help b/c they realise that
> > it will take a massive effort to support these requirements.
> FWIW, I didn't say that without support from the community nothing will
> happen, which is what you're suggesting. Eventually somebody from the Qt
> Company is likely going to dig into the particular topic of iOS, for
> example. If you would like to see something implemented before that
> point in time, then please join the development effort. We also hang out
> in #qt-cmake on Freenode, btw.

That's exactly my point, "you" took the decision before analysing the
problems, and now you're asking me to join #qt-cmake to make it
happen!?! Why would i do that? Can't you provide something that works?
If not, please bail out.

> > Let's face it and be honest about that, this "build system decision" is a 
> > drill.
> > CMake has been chosen, period. Yet it doesn't seem to tick all the
> > harsh requirements set by Thiago ages ago.
> > Apparently there is an attempt to  "achieve a decision within the Qt
> > project by lazy consensus.".
> > Whatever that means.
> If you would like to learn more about the Qt project decision making
> process, then I can recommend the official Qt Governance Model page:
> https://wiki.qt.io/The_Qt_Governance_Model#Decision-making_process

Thanks for the point out.

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