Jean-Michaël Celerier,

WOW, many thanks.. :)

But, as I can see, with CMake it is very over-complicated (as for me as a
noob). For this I need to
waste a lot of time to search in google, on stackoverflow and etc. I think,
that even a week is not
enough for this (to know for all CMake keywords and features which are
required to make a custom
cross-toolchain).  Unlike to QBS, where I spent a hour to *create* and
*debug* of a custom toolchain
(basically to study of a compiler datasheet with it commands).

But, OK, many thanks for the example, anyway. :)


ср, 19 июн. 2019 г. в 10:44, Jean-Michaël Celerier <>:

> Here's a basic one, with which I managed to compile & link simple stuff -
> disclaimer : based on the ideas found in a google search for "keil"
> "cmake".
> I only tested on linux with wine. God is that compiler invocation ugly :)
> Example project I used (with dummy foo.c/bar.c/"space out" subfolder not
> attached) :
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
> project(foo C)
> add_executable(foo
>     foo.c
>     "space out/bar.c"
> )
> target_include_directories(foo
>       "space out"
> )
> target_compile_options(foo
>       COMPACT
> )
> target_compile_definitions(foo
>       hello
>       toto="1"
> )
> Best,
> Jean-Michaël
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 1:44 PM Denis Shienkov <>
> wrote:
>> > Matthew Woehlke
>> > The difference between QBS and CMake is like the difference between a
>> > bright-eyed recruit just out of school and a grizzled veteran.
>> Ok, then, please, provide a simple toolchain file to use e.g. a bare-metal 
>> KEIL C51 [1] compiler. And then, we will to see, how it does in QBS and in 
>> CMake. Who will win then?
>> PS: Of course, my question does not related to Qt build tool, it is a common 
>> question. :)
>> [1]
>> BR,
>> Denis
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