Il 08/07/19 21:15, Иван Комиссаров ha scritto:
No, what I’ve actually meant - is it possible to have a free function that 
takes some string view (QLatin1StringView?) and operates on that view instead 
of allocating a new string. I’m asking because I’m kinda nooby in UTF and I 
don’t really know what should happen for non-ascii characters in that case 
(should such a function just ignore them?).
Such a function can solve the problem with .toUpper()/toLower() in QByteArray - 
just remove them and use free function if you’re sure your string is latin1/you 
don’t care about UTF (which is the currently supported case).

Operating in-place on a view cannot be done: a view, by definition, is read only. Having free functions instead of member functions, in order to operate on any string-like data, can be done, but they would be a very low level API for most users. (That doesn't mean this kind of APIs shouldn't be offered.)

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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