
I use Qt Creator's excellent Form Editor, however sometimes I've noticed an inconsistency in the font settings, because I'm lazy I usually only set the font property for the top MainWindow and relying on it to "trickle down" and affect the widgets as well. Except sometimes it doesn't trickle down :-( So I wrote a test app, just a main.cpp:

#include "QtWidgets"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    QApplication a(argc,argv);
    QMainWindow w;

    auto listFonts = [&w]
        for (auto pKid : w.findChildren<QWidget*>("",Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly))             qDebug() << pKid->metaObject()->className() << pKid->font().family();

    new QTextEdit(&w);
    new QLabel(&w);
    new QPushButton(&w);
    new QCalendarWidget(&w);
    new QListWidget(&w);
    new QTableWidget(&w);

    qDebug() << "Before w.show();"; listFonts();

    w.show();  // start the party

    qDebug() << "\nAfter w.show();"; listFonts();

The above app simulates what Qt Creator's Form Editor does (or, rather what the generated code in ui_mainwindow.h does), i.e. it sets the font prop for the MainWindow and then adds the children. If you run this program on Linux, the debug output is as expected:

Before w.show();
QTextEdit "Courier"
QLabel "Courier"
QPushButton "Courier"
QCalendarWidget "Courier"
QListWidget "Courier"
QTableWidget "Courier"

After w.show();
QTextEdit "Courier"
QLabel "Courier"
QPushButton "Courier"
QCalendarWidget "Courier"
QListWidget "Courier"
QTableWidget "Courier"

Everything is nice and dandy. However, running the same program on Windows gives this output (the Before part is the same)

After w.show();
QTextEdit "Courier"
QLabel "Courier"
QPushButton "Courier"
QCalendarWidget "Courier"
QListWidget "Tahoma"
QTableWidget "Tahoma"

Lost 2 font propagations there. And on the Mac it's even worse (the Before part is the same here, but):

After w.show();
QTextEdit "Courier"
QLabel ".AppleSystemUIFont"
QPushButton ".AppleSystemUIFont"
QCalendarWidget "Courier"
QListWidget ".AppleSystemUIFont"
QTableWidget ".AppleSystemUIFont"

Lost another 2, i.e. only 33% hit rate.

Now. the obvious solution is of course to always set the font properties explicitly for all widgets on my MainWindow. But it's so convenient to be able to change only the topmost font prop. Also the documentation for QWidget says "font propagation" should always occur. And sure, on Linux the docs are correct. But what about us running Windows or Macs?

Well, the first thing I tried was to reshuffle the lines in my test app:
    // w.setFont(QFont("Courier"));
    new QTextEdit(&w);
    new QLabel(&w);
    new QPushButton(&w);
    new QCalendarWidget(&w);
    new QListWidget(&w);
    new QTableWidget(&w);

Setting the font *after* adding the children does the trick, the hit rate is now 100% also on Windows and Mac. But, the problem is that this isn't the way the Form Editor (ui_mainwindow.h) works, it is hardwired to always set the properties for the MainWindow before adding any children.

So as a workaround, I've resorted to adding one line of code in the MainWindow constructor in my Qt widget-flavored programs:

    auto f = font(); setFont(QFont("Grapefruit")); setFont(f);

Why the grapefruit? It's needed to "shake the tree", because when setting the same font as the code in ui_mainwindow.h does. it's ignored. You need to change to another font first, then the setFont(f) call will register properly (and propagate 100% to the kids). This can be illustrated if we change the test program to:
    new QTextEdit(&w);
    new QLabel(&w);
    new QPushButton(&w);
    new QCalendarWidget(&w);
    new QListWidget(&w);
    new QTableWidget(&w);

That version behaves exactly like the first version above (with the misses), i.e. like the 2nd setFont() call does not exist. But adding the dummy font call:
    new QTextEdit(&w);
    new QLabel(&w);
    new QPushButton(&w);
    new QCalendarWidget(&w);
    new QListWidget(&w);
    new QTableWidget(&w);

works, 100$ font prop propagation on all systems :-)

Question: is this hit or miss font propagation on Windows and Mac a bug or a feature? If it's a feature, could it be documented?

Rgrds Henry

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