This sounds great! Was the session recorded, and if so is it viewable somewhere 
online, for people that weren't there?


On 07/11/2019, 07:58, "Development on behalf of Tuukka Turunen" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    Yesterday morning at the Qt World Summit we had a session about 
contributing to Qt. I was really happy to see over 80 people joining the 
session at 8 am before the second day keynotes (and after
     a great party the previous evening). We actually run out of chairs in the 
room we had booked for this, so quite many had to stand.
    We discussed about the various ways of contributing (also other than source 
code), showed hands-on how a code contribution is done, and had a panel 
discussion about contributing to Qt. Hopefully
     we encouraged new contributors. 

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