
On 13/3/20 10:32 AM, Chris Adams wrote:
     * qtsystems
     * qtfeedback
     * qtpim

I am about to upload the first (qtsystems) to Debian and before doing
that, I'd like to know, if these projects can be considered API/ABI
stable or heavy changes are to be expected on these projects.

QtSystems is still in maintenance mode and no changes have been made to to upstream repo.

There are possibly fixes available in our projects repos for it, but I have not checked lately.

On the other hand, would it be possible to get release tags for the
above named repositories?

As officially 'unmaintained', these repos's do not get official release tags, nor versioning.

Furthermore, do these projects need (more) upstream maintainers? If
so, I'll be happy to poke people from UBports.com and bring up the
issue there.

Always happy to a accept help/patches.

Mike Gabriel (aka sunweaver at debian.org <http://debian.org>)

Lorn Potter
Freelance Qt Developer. Maintainer QtSensors, Qt WebAssembly

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