On 14/04/2020 05.28, Lars Knoll wrote:
I believe there is mostly a consensus here to find a way to get rid
of those macros. But many of our users do seem to like the ‘emit’
keyword as an annotation to a signal emission, and it is being used
extensively in existing code bases.

You know what would solve this? The ability to define a *reflection* operator (with proper name scoping) that could apply to statements and/or access protection specifiers.

  class MyObject

  public Qt::slots:
    ...slots here...

    Qt::emit this->bar();

    using namespace Qt;
    emit this->bar();

    none->emit(...); // *not* the Qt::emit operator

If we played this right, maybe we could even reimplement MOC using reflection? (Stuff like Q_PROPERTY however might be hard, depending on if these operators are allowed to take a *space* delimited list of arguments rather than comma delimited.)

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