Den tors 14 maj 2020 15:46Marc Mutz via Development <> skrev:

> On 2020-05-13 17:17, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> [...]
> > Non-owning QString is dangerous. QStringLiteral is less dangerous
> > because it is almost never used with non-rodata storage (and indeed, I
> > would consider any such usage highly suspect, if not outright broken).
> > QString::fromRawData is dangerous, but "obviously" so.
> >
> > We should not implement any way of creating a non-owning QString that
> > is not explicit, and if we adhere to that, I don't see us *not*
> > wanting QStringView in many instances.
> I must be crazy, but ... +1!

*chuckle* :)

> Thanks,
> Marc
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