On 22/05/2020 13.43, Jason H wrote:
How about I just pay - which my company already does? The lagging mobile support has us considering moving away from Qt. I think this decision would confirm our direction and only hasten our departure
from the Qt ecosystem.

I guess to some degree it depends on how you define "essential".
Clearly multimedia *is* essential
What's "clear" to you may not be "clear" to everyone. I, personally, don't believe I have ever used QtMM. I can think of applications I might *like* to write that might use it, but plenty of applications I *do* write have no need for it. Most KDE applications don't need it. QtC and Designer don't need it.

In fact, out of the software I use in a typical day, the only stuff that comes to mind that might need it are:

- Gwenview (but it's more a nice-to-have)
- Plasma? (Whatever is responsible for system notifications, anyway)
- My web browser (except I use Firefox, which does not use Qt...)
- Dragon

Really, the only three things I would argue *need* it are my web browser, media player, and the desktop environment itself.

For quite a few application developers, it is *not* essential at all.

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