> On 9. Jun 2020, at 13:25, Bogdan Vatra via Development 
> <development@qt-project.org> wrote:
> But how can I send a fix to a .pr* file in dev if that file doesn't exists 
> anymore in dev? In this case should we send the patches directly to 5.15. and 
> add the "Cherry-pick: dev" thing to the patch message?

I think the idea is that your change initially targets the dev branch, and has 
a Pick-to: 5.15 footer.

Let's say you will touch src/corelib/CMakeLists.txt and qlocale.cpp.

When the cherry-pick bot creates the cherry-pick, it fails to apply the 
CMakeLists.txt file change.
You then amend that change to remove the CMakeLists.txt change, and replace it 
with the .pro change.
You could perhaps prepare the .pro file change beforehand locally, and just 
amend the Change-Id once the cherry-pick bots creates it.

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