
I’m proposing a QUIP [0] for governing how the Qt Project deals with inactive 
maintainers and/or approvers.

The Qt Governance Model covers revokal of status as consequence of “extreme 
circumstances”. However, it has become apparent that there may be less extreme 
circumstances where the situation may yet call for revokal of status. In 
particular, we see long periods of inactivity (years, in some cases), or that 
the contact details we have for certain contributors no longer work.

Taking on the responsibility of being an approver or maintainer in the Qt 
Project does come with a certain responsibility, and requires that one spend a 
certain amount of time. We all know circumstances may abruptly change in 
unforeseen ways, and there shouldn’t be a need for a vote of no confidence or 
something similar to deal with a situation where a previously highly active and 
valuable contributor becomes inactive (for whatever reason).

This hurts the Maintainer role more than the Approver role, clearly. While at 
it, we might therefore want to consider (automatic?) appointment of a new 
maintainer, or formalize how the project may officially admit that parts of the 
code is, indeed, without an active maintainer.

//! Paul

[0] - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/meta/quips/+/319248
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