
On Wed, 17 Feb 2021 at 13:13, Kai Köhne <kai.koe...@qt.io> wrote:
> > In fact the most difficult people to convince are within tqtc. And no, we 
> > have been asking for this change, specifically for qt6,
> > since at very least 2019. And they where no small threads.
> That might have less to do with the fact we work for The Qt Company, but more 
> with the fact that a) you ask us to do the work, and b) to maintain it

For (a) I can feel some guilt, but sadly having to get the paycheck
has become more important nowadays :-/ For (b): the renaming, at very
least on Linux (although Homebrew really needs it too), no matter the
source of the binaries, is just the right thing to do.

> Anyhow, now that we've been both venting our frustration a bit: As Joerg 
> already pointed out, I'm completely fine with the patch he has prepared, and 
> certainly do hope that distributions make use of it. I'm just disagreeing 
> with the request that the Qt documentation need also state 'qmake6' 
> everywhere, and that the Qt SDK (as provided by the online installer) needs 
> to contain 'qmake6', too.

Well, it seems we will keep disagreeing for quite some time then :-)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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