Right now, if moc detects the  QML macros in the class definition, it forces
the method parameters to be fully defined, not just forward declarations. But
in your case here, the derived class without the macro or the parent will not
get such a treatment and any type that is only forward declared will be
missing a metatype. I'm not changing this.

That is unfortunate. We will probably be able to detect and complain about such types in qmllint and/or qmlcachegen, though.

b, You can separate the QML registration from the type declaration with
QML_FOREIGN. The QML_FOREIGN can live in a different library, and can
even be written in the future.

Can you explain a little more what this is for?

Sure. Quite often we want to expose types to QML that we don't want to modify in their original place. See for example qtmultimedia. There we have a base library that shouldn't depend on QML and that shouldn't contain QML-specific macros. In addition we have a QML-integration library that needs to handle types from the base library in various ways.

If it's only a matter of instantiating the types, you can get away with inheriting from them and adding the QML macros in the derived types. However, if the types from the base library have factory functions or properties that supply instances of the _base_ types, then you don't have a QML name for those if you only register the derived types. Consequently, you can't assign them to any of your QML-typed properties. You can fix that again, with a lot of boiler plate to wrap properties and methods, but at that point QML_FOREIGN is much more convenient.

QVariant will not change: it will require default-constructible, copyable and
destructible types. Any acceptance of a metatype that isn't one of those is a

"will not change" apparently means "I'm not doing it right now". I'm aware that it would be a new feature, but I can imagine someone adding support for move-only types to QVariant eventually. We may not actually need it though. Your point below, about QMetaType being enough to handle move-only types in QML, is valid.

By the way, do you need the metatype for the QObject-derived class, or do you
need the metatype for the pointer to that class? There's a mighty difference
(QObjects can't be copied, sometimes they don't have accessible default
constructors), including because the extraction in QMetaType flag is
"IsPointerTOQObject", not "IsQObject".

We generally pass QObject-derived classes as pointers in QML. So we usually need the metatype of the pointer. However, those are the less interesting metatypes. The more interesting ones are the metatypes of QML value types. QML value types are pretty much everything except QObjects and namespaces, and we pass those by value. So we do have to construct/copy/destruct them and sometimes it would be quite handy to move them, too.

Furthermore, if I have the metatypes available, I can come up with more
interesting functionality in the future (for example making QML's value
type references actual references). So, if it's not horribly
complicated, I would indeed like as many metatypes as possible to be

Ok, thanks. What about rvalue references?

I currently don't have any plans for them, but we need more syntax for value types in QML anyway. Depending on how we phrase this, we might support moving them, explicitly or implicitly. If we could then know that a method takes an rvalue ref as parameter, that would be beneficial. However, all of this is quite far in the future.

- reject non-default constructible, non-copyable or non-destructible types
in QVariant but not QMetaType -- this includes non-const references

Right now this is probably the correct thing to do. However, once we
allow moving into and out of QVariant, we should revise this.

Movable but not copyable or not default constructible?

Non-default-constructible but movable is an interesting API challenge for QVariant, but I wouldn't rule it out just yet. We don't have to implement all of this right away, but we shouldn't take decisions now that make such a thing impossible in the future.

QMetaType could support them directly. The construct/create operations are
independent from destroy/destruct, or from each other. If a type today is not
default constructible, but is copyable, QMetaType *can* copy it onto a new
void* array of yours. That same does not extend to QVariant today.

QMetaType being able to deal with all the cases may in fact be good enough. There are ways to avoid QVariant.

best regards,
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