Qt 6.5 status

  *   Qt 6.5.1 packages are ready and we will release Qt 6.5.1 Wed 24th May
  *   Target is to release Qt 6.5.2 at the end of June and Qt 6.5.3 at the 
beginning of September

Qt 6.6 status

  *   Platform and Module freeze is in effect so no provisioning changes to the 
'dev' until '6.6' is branched
  *   Dependency update issues in dev are fixed & dependencies updated 
regularly atm
     *   New snapshot from dev created but not published yet
  *   Qt 6.6 Feature Freeze will be in effect Fri 2nd June
     *   Like earlier you can still stage changes in 'dev' during the weekend 
if changes were ready and approved latest on Friday 2nd June.
     *   Volker is on vacation from Friday 26th May on and back on the 5th of 
June, so great if anyone that knows that they need an exception can raise that 
this week.
  *   Target is to branch '6.6' from 'dev' Monday 5th of June
  *   Target is to publish Qt 6.6.0 Beta1 immediately when dependency update 
round succeed in '6.6'
  *   API change review will start after branching as well

Next meeting Tue 30th May 2023 16:00 CET

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

irc log below:
[17:01:29] <+jaheikki3> ablasche: akseli: carewolf: frkleint: lars_: mapaaso: 
The-Compiler: vohi: thiago ping
[17:01:36] <vohi> pong
[17:01:41] <akseli> jaheikki3: pong
[17:03:18] <+jaheikki3> time to start qt release team meeting
[17:03:24] <+jaheikki3> On agenda today:
[17:03:27] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.5 status
[17:03:32] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.6 status
[17:03:39] <+jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:04:57] <+jaheikki3> Ok, Qt 6.5 status at first
[17:05:18] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.5.1 packages are ready and we will release Qt 
6.5.1 tomorrow
[17:05:44] <+jaheikki3> Target is to release Qt 6.5.2 at the end of June and Qt 
6.5.3 beginning of September
[17:05:55] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:06:34] <+jaheikki3> that's actually all about qt 6.5 status at this time. 
Any comments or questions?
[17:08:00] <+jaheikki3> Ok, then Qt 6.6 status
[17:08:25] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.6.0 Platform and Module freeze is in effect now so 
no provisioning changes to the 'dev' until '6.6' is branched
[17:08:53] <+jaheikki3> Dependency update issues in dev are fixed & 
dependencies updated regularly atm
[17:09:51] <+jaheikki3> New snapshot from dev created but not published yet; 
there seems to be some issue with QtC and we want to fix/flarify it before 
publishing the snapshot
[17:10:11] -*- thiago still has API fixes for 6.6 he hasn't properly finished
[17:10:48] <+jaheikki3> thiago: That's OK; Qt 6.6 Feature Freeze will be in 
effect Fri 2nd June so almost 2 weeks time to finalize those
[17:11:43] <vohi> I'm on vacation from Friday on and back on the 5th, so great 
if anyone that knows that they need an exception can raise that this week.
[17:11:44] <+jaheikki3> and like earlier ready changes can be staged in 'dev' 
during the weekend after FF
[17:12:20] <+jaheikki3> But only if changes were ready and approved latest 
during Friday 2nd June
[17:12:35] <+jaheikki3> Otherwise exception needs to be asked
[17:12:38] <thiago> we're not freezing API, only features
[17:12:44] <thiago> so we can still change API
[17:12:49] <vohi> Feature freeze != API freeze anyway, we do assume that we 
will make changes to the API based on header review feedback and API reviews
[17:13:07] <+jaheikki3> thiago: vohi: yeah, true
[17:13:16] <+jaheikki3> my mistake, sorry
[17:14:00] <+jaheikki3> The target is to branch '6.6' from 'dev' Monday 5th June
[17:14:16] <+jaheikki3> API change review will start after branching
[17:14:36] <+jaheikki3> and the target is to publish Qt 6.6.0 Beta1 immediately 
when dependency update round succeed in '6.6'
[17:15:07] <+jaheikki3> That's actially all about qt 6.6 status at this time. 
Any more comments or questions
[17:16:20] <vohi> In the week of the 5th, the R&D teams in TQtC will start a 
focused bug fixing week or two or three to catch up with stuff in JIRA
[17:17:26] <vohi> If anyone wants to help, or has particular bugs that they are 
keen on getting fixed, then updating JIRA tickets, adding reproducers, trying 
to reproduce etc is a good way to contribute
[17:17:46] <vohi> (and of course fixing things and writing tests)
[17:19:12] <+jaheikki3> It seems it was all at this time so let's end this 
meeting now and have new one tue 30th May at this same time.
[17:19:28] <+jaheikki3> Thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:19:38] <vohi> bye
[17:19:42] <thiago> bye
[17:22:28] <frkleint> bye

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