On 30/11/23 12:49, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development wrote:

OpenSSL 1 has reached EOL last September:


Qt has supported OpenSSL 3 for a while, and so last week I pushed a
patch to drop OpenSSL 1 support from Qt. "This has made a lot of people
very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

It turns out that not every platform officially supported by Qt ships
OpenSSL 3 yet. Some of these platforms are promising to maintain OpenSSL
1 for a little while longer, for instance Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:


See this thread started by Albert on the kde-distributions ML about the same 

Typically when you plan to support EOL software, you do the extra work on your own, that should include e.g. patching Qt to get that support back, and you maintain the patches to Qt code on your own too. That is my understanding of how corporate Linux support works, and it's confirmed by what Jan Grulich posted in a reply to the above KDE ML thread: https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/distributions/2023-December/thread.html

(pipermail doesn't show links to the rest of the thread if it spans multiple 

How to move forward from here: "revert the patch", sure, but also not so

* First and foremost, I'd like a semi-formal insurance from Qt SSL
maintainers that they're willing to maintain OpenSSL 1 code in Qt as
long as needed. This should be done publicly, in docs + blog posts,
because users are going to depend on this information.

* For "how long" is that exactly? Also a very good question. Can we
gather 1) which supported platforms are still offering only OpenSSL 1,
and 2) for how long do they plan to support OpenSSL 1, and 3) for how
long Qt would like to support these platforms? (Basically, assessing
whether the "insurance" above is realistic)


* Then, a plain revert isn't a good idea either: the whole point of the
original commit is that using OpenSSL 1 is outright dangerous if you
don't know what you're doing. (Using unmaintained security-sensitive
code is a terrible idea). Therefore, a revert must also include make
OpenSSL 1 entirely opt-in (cmake switch), and not using any automatic
detection whatsoever: users of Qt should never ever be enabling it "by

Just stating the obvious: I agree, must be opt-in with a clear disclaimer "You're on your own, if it breaks, you get to keep the pieces".


My 2p's worth.

Ahmad Samir

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