Hi Devs,

I'd like to ask about a possible roadmap update regarding C++20 modules support in moc. There was a discussion a while ago about C++20/23 support for Qt (https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2023-May/043823.html), and I would like to know if there has been any internal update. The corresponding bug report is https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-86697, but it seems that even more bump comments will not help. This is about ensuring moc can handle modules, not about converting Qt itself into a module. Getting moc ready for C++20 modules is something that could be done now, well in advance of Qt 6.9. For me, this is the only, and biggest, roadblock to adding modules support in my apps. Also, we shouldn't forget about tools like the QtRemoteObjects compiler that translates .rep files into .cpp/.h files (and possibly others?) that need updating too.

On a related note, when moving a class to modules, it would be handy to have a way to skip the 'Generate Missing Q_PROPERTY Members' boilerplate code. My current classes are mostly 50% getter/setter boilerplate, and in my opinion, this is only manageable because we split our code into header and source files. This will be gone when using modules. So, I would like to see something like *Q_PROP(QString text)*, that generates default get/set/notify code, and if needed, one could still use the old *Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE setText NOTIFY textChanged FINAL)* if they need to add additional logic into the get/set functions.

Elias Steurer
Development mailing list

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