Qt 6.6 status:

  *   Qt 6.6.2 is released
  *   The target is to release Qt 6.6.3 by the end of March.
     *   Qt 6.6.3 will be the last release from Qt 6.6 series

Qt 6.7 status:

  *   Qt 6.7.0 Beta3 is released.
  *   Updating 3rd party modules for Qt 6.7.0 done
  *   API review is still ongoing, see 
     *   We should complete the review by the end of this week
  *   Branching from '6.7' to '6.7.0' will happen sometime next week
     *   API review related changes needs to be in before branching( to make 
sure all will be in Qt 6.7.0).
  *   The target is to release Qt 6.7.0 RC Tue 5th March & Qt 6.7.0 final Tue 
19th March
     *   Release blocker list here: 

Qt 6.8 initial schedule:

  *   Proposal sent to ML 
no objections
  *   Initial schedule for Qt 6.8.0 is:
     *   Platform and Module freeze: 17.5.2024
     *   Qt 6.8 Feature freeze: 31.5.2024
     *   Qt 6.8.0 Beta1: 13.6.2024
     *   Qt 6.8.0 RC: 11.9.2024
     *   Qt 6.8.0 Final release: 25.9.2024
Next meeting Tue 27th February 2024 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager
irc log below:
[17:00:11] <+jaheikki3> ablasche: akseli: carewolf: frkleint: mapaaso: 
The-Compiler: thiago: vohi: ping
[17:02:15] <+jaheikki3> Time to start qt release team meeting
[17:02:21] <frkleint> jaheikki3: pong
[17:02:24] <+jaheikki3> On agenda today:
[17:02:36] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:02:39] <+jaheikki3> - Qt 6.6 status
[17:02:45] <+jaheikki3> -Qt 6.7 status
[17:02:56] <+jaheikki3> - Qt 6.8 initial schedule
[17:03:09] <+jaheikki3> - Dropping old Qt releases from online installer
[17:03:19] <+jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:05:05] <+jaheikki3> Let's start from Qt 6.6 status:
[17:05:23] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.6.2 is released
[17:05:37] <+jaheikki3> Target is to release Qt 6.6.3 by the end of March
[17:05:53] <+jaheikki3> And Qt 6.6.3 will be the last release from Qt 6.6 series
[17:06:12] <+jaheikki3> That's all about Qt 6.6 status. Any comments or 
[17:07:43] <+jaheikki3> Ok, then Qt 6.7 status
[17:08:17] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.7.0 Beta3 released last friday
[17:08:38] <+jaheikki3> Updating 3rd party modules for Qt 6.7.0 done
[17:08:54] <+jaheikki3> API review is still ongoing, see 
[17:09:20] <+jaheikki3> We should complete the review by the end of this week
[17:10:02] <+jaheikki3> Branching from '6.7' to '6.7.0' will happen during next 
week & API review related changes needs to be in before branching to be sure 
all will be in Qt 6.7.0
[17:10:16] <thiago> yay
[17:10:31] <+jaheikki3> The target is to release Qt 6.7.0 RC tue 5th March
[17:10:55] <+jaheikki3> And the target for Qt 6.7.0 final is Tue 19th March
[17:11:07] <+jaheikki3> Release blocker list here: 
[17:11:33] <+jaheikki3> That's all about Qt 6.7 status at this time. Any 
comments or questions?
[17:13:18] <+jaheikki3> ok, then Qt 6.8 initial schedule:
[17:13:41] <+jaheikki3> Proposal sent to ML 
no objections
[17:14:11] <+jaheikki3> So the initial schedule for Qt 6.8 is:
[17:14:19] <+jaheikki3> Platform and Module freeze: 17.5.2024
[17:14:28] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.8 Feature freeze: 31.5.2024
[17:14:36] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.8.0 Beta1: 13.6.2024
[17:14:44] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.8.0 RC: 11.9.2024
[17:14:56] <+jaheikki3> and Qt 6.8.0 Final release: 25.9.2024
[17:15:09] <+jaheikki3> Any comments or questions?
[17:15:37] <thiago> the usual that it's a long time but we've had this 
discussion before
[17:15:50] <+jaheikki3> Yeah...
[17:16:20] <+jaheikki3> Ok, then Dropping old Qt releases from online installer:
[17:16:40] <+jaheikki3> At the moment all releases since Qt 5.9.0 are available 
in the online installer so more than 60 releases!
[17:17:10] <+jaheikki3> This is causing issues with mirrors (huge amount of 
data needs to be mirrored) & online installer (huge amount of install scripts 
needs to be evaluated) as well
[17:17:30] <+jaheikki3> So I am proposing to drop some releases from online 
[17:18:07] <+jaheikki3> And I propose we will drop releases at least older than 
Qt 5.15.0 from the online installer; older releases are available in archive as 
src packages and offline installers
[17:18:31] <thiago> we probably need to discuss on the ML, but I'd suggestion 
5.15 and the last 3 stables
[17:19:35] <+jaheikki3> thiago: Yeah, sounds good. I'll initiate discussion and 
propose that. Let's see what others thinks
[17:21:00] <+jaheikki3> It was all at this time so let's end this meeting now & 
have new one Tue 27th February at this same time
[17:21:08] <+jaheikki3> Thanks for participation, bye!
[17:21:27] <thiago> bye
[17:22:03] <frkleint> bye

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