
On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Marc Zyngier <> wrote:
> On 11/09/14 18:29, Doug Anderson wrote:
>> Marc,
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Marc Zyngier <> wrote:
>>>> We would need to run this code potentially at processor bringup and
>>>> after suspend/resume, but that seems possible too.
>>> Note that this would be an ARMv7 only thing (you can't do that on ARMv8,
>>> at all).
>> Yes, of course.
>>>> Is the transition to monitor mode and back simple?  Where would you
>>>> suggest putting this code?  It would definitely need to be pretty
>>>> early.  We'd also need to be able to detect that we're in Secure SVC
>>>> and not mess up anyone else who happened to boot in Non Secure SVC.
>>> This would have to live in some very early platform-specific code. The
>>> ugly part is that you cannot find out what world you're in (accessing
>>> SCR is going to send you to UNDEF-land if accessed from NS).
>> Yup, so the question is: would such code be accepted upstream, or are
>> we going to embark on a big job for someone to figure out how to do
>> this only to get NAKed?
>> If there was some indication that folks would take this, I think we
>> might be able to get it coded up.  If someone else wanted to volunteer
>> to code it that would make me even happier, but maybe that's pushing
>> my luck.  ;)
> Writing the code is a 5 minute job. Getting it accepted is another
> story, and I'm not sure everyone would agree on that.
>>> If I was suicidal, I'd suggest you could pass a parameter to the command
>>> line, interpreted by the timer code... But I since I'm not, let's
>>> pretend I haven't said anything... ;-)
>> I did this in the past (again, see Sonny's thread), but didn't
>> consider myself knowledgeable to know if that was truly a good test:
>>        asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c1, c1, 0" : "=r" (val));
>>        pr_info("DOUG: val is %#010x", val);
>>        val |= (1 << 2);
>>        asm volatile("mcr p15, 0, %0, c1, c1, 0" : : "r" (val));
>>        val = 0xffffffff;
>>        asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c1, c1, 0" : "=r" (val));
>>        pr_info("DOUG: val is %#010x", val);
>> The idea being that if you can make modifications to the SCR register
>> (and see your changes take effect) then you must be in secure mode.
>> In my case the first printout was 0x0 and the second was 0x4.
> The main issue is when you're *not* in secure mode. It is likely that
> this will explode badly. This is why I suggested something that is set
> by the bootloader (after all. it knows which mode it is booted in), and
> that the timer driver can use when the CPU comes up.
> Still, very ugly...

Ah, got it.  Well, unless someone can suggest a clean way to do this,
then I guess we'll keep what we've got...

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