On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, M wrote:
> - Use SquidGuard as a url redirector for Squid

yes yes yes
i was just looking at squidguard myself, and despairing over the lack of rpm's

> - The admin should also have control over the NAT routing from within the
>   manager (it doesn't make sense to block sites in the proxy while users
>   can still directly access the internet).

charlie has a package e-smith-transproxy-0.2-3-src.rpm 
which forces users through squid, will this do what you want
> I'd like to have the opinions of the people on this list:
> - Does this make any sense at all?

yes, i have a server in a k-6, it's too easy for them to go to the wrong places
intentionally or by accident, 
client side filters eg net nanny, cost almost as much as the old pc's they are
> If enough people are interested I will try to create an add-on package.

yes have a go
i'll test for you


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