On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:47:10 +1100, "Jason Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Telstra seem to be able to change my IP address without my server restarting...
>I did not think this was possible....

They can assign a new IP address for your network card's MAC at any
time, & it will take effect as soon as your current DHCP lease runs out.

>How do I combat this....

There's no way to totally prevent it, but you could try configuring your
DHCP client to request very long (>1 week) lease times. This is not
guaranteed to work, but it probably will, & it should improve the
situation considerably.

 . | ,. w ,   "Some people are alive only because
  \|/  \|/     it is illegal to kill them."    Perna condita delenda est

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