Thanks to Peter Samuel...

Flexbackup needs to be at the correct position on the tape. Block 0 is
the very beginning of the tape and it contains the index file. Try it
again with

    mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 1

    flexbackup -list



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aldert E. van der Laan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 6:51 PM
> To: E-smith devel
> Subject: [e-smith-devinfo] How to check if backup was successfull
> Hello,
> What is the exact command line to check if Flexbackup was 
> successfull in backing up and can I do a test restore to 
> another drive that I have currently installed.
> This is a pressing matter as I do now: flexbackup -list which 
> returns into an error.
> flexbackup -list         
> flexbackup version 0.9.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> /etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK
> |------------------------------------------------
> | Reading from current tape position
> |------------------------------------------------
> At block 0.
> |------------------------------------------------
> | buffer -m 3m -s 10k -u 100 -t -p 75 -B -i /dev/nst0 | gzip 
> -dq | restore -t \
> |  -v -b 10 -f - 
> |------------------------------------------------
> Kilobytes Out 10
> gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
> restore: Tape is not a dump tape
> Verify tape and initialize maps
> End-of-tape encountered
> |------------------------------------------------
> At block 2.
> |------------------------------------------------
> Although the flexbackup log shows that the tape creation was 
> successfull.
> Will the backup function support the upgrade from 4.1b4 to 
> 4.1 release?
> I know someone posted another message about this, but I can't 
> seem to locate that one.
> Currently I am using an LRP frontend as my firewall and port 
> the HTTPS through to the webmail. This works great.
> However, now I am using this server more and more to rely on 
> for internal Imap and webmail I simply need to make sure the 
> backups are running as they should.
> Thanks,
> Aldert van der Laan
> London, Ontario

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