
I have just updated my E-Smith from 4.0 to 4.0.1, following the upgrading
instructions step by step, being that e-smith-release-4.0.1-1.noarch.rpm was
local the only exception.

The RPMs installation went fine, and so did the events "upgrade" and

I rebooted, and noticed that xntpd coudn't be started: "S55xntpd: permission
denied". I looked around, and noticed that /etc/rc.d/init.d/xntpd had a
wrong protection mask: 644 or -rw-r--r--, instead of 755 or -rwxr-xr-x.
I changed the protection mask to 755, executed xntpd and the daemon went up
fine, syncronizing as expected.

Then I started a telnet session as admin; the console warns me: "Control
console ** unsaved changes; please configure again **".
Just to be sure, I reconfigured the system using the "keep" option in every
panel. [1]
At the console request, I rebooted the system, and while it was shutting
down I noticed a "xntpd could not be stopped: permission denied" error. [2]

And that's the first bug, I think.

Of course, during the following boot, xntpd didn't start, but I ignored it,
logging on again using telnet and admin account; the console keeps on
telling me "Control console ** unsaved changes; please configure again **".

This time I reconfigured the system from scratch, then rebooted: the console
keeps on thinking that there are unsaved changes. I selected <Cancel> from
the console main menu, and of course I was warned that there were some
unsaved changes and that quitting now could result in an unexpected system
behaviour. I quitted anyway.

And that's a second bug. But is it only a bug, or is the configuration
really incomplete?

Third bug: it seems that the upgrade (or the console-save event...) replaces
some configurations: the time zone was reverted back to US/something
(eastern?) from CET, as an example...

Quirk: my E-Smith server is on the subnet, but grants
access to its services and to the Internet for the subnets, and, that are across a router. In the 4.0 version, I
defined them as local networks, then manually created the file
/etc/sysconfig/static-routes to make them reachable. I saw that 4.0.1
e-smith-manager lets admin define the router address for each local network
creating a static-routes file in /etc/sysconfig. [3]

So, just to make things standard, I moved the existing file away, then
proceed in deleting and adding the three local networks again. Two of them
were deleted, but the second one was not, even if the e-smith-manager told
me it the contrary. I had to delete it manually from /home/e-smith/network
to be able to adding it again...

Question 1: while resetting the xntpd permission mask in /etc/rc.d/init.d, I
noticed that atalk also has a permission mask different from all the other
files: 744 or -rwxr--r-- instead of 755 or -rwxr-xr-x. Is it OK or does it
to be changed, too?

Question 2: does the 4.0.1 update define email alias for user as
e-smith-fullname-alias-0.3-3.noarch.rpm does? If not, are this RPM and
e-smith-aliases-0.3-1.noarch.rpm compatible with the update?

Thanks again


[1] There are parts of the console behaviour that makes little sense, in my
point of view: selecting always the "keep" option, after the "Select DHCP
mode" panel it asks me to enter a static IP address - why? If I keep on
pressing "keep" everytime, that should mean I don't want to change anything,
shouldn't it? No real problem, anyway, just a difference in views... :)

[2] Adding networks changed /etc/rc.d/init.d/xntpd protection mask to the
wrong value - again... :(
So I guess that there is a module launched by several events that sets them.
Are protection masks centrally defined anywere in the E-Smith system? Where
to look?

[3] I wonder why a local network can not be modified, but has to be deleted
and then added again... :)


Pierluigi Miranda

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