Hello, I'm still banging my own head on the wall to understand why that
UnsavedChanges flag doesn't work as expected. :)

The only "anomaly" I noted consists in the transparent proxy template:
instead of a directory containing fragments, it's a single file, a shell
script that contains template fragments - or, better, what I guess are
template fragments, blocks of perl code between "{" and "}".

Could it disrupt someway the console-save event processing flow?

Another thought line: if I understand well, during the console-save event
squidGuard executes some operations as a background process, maybe because
it requires time to execute not to be wasted before a blank screen.

Every console-save event fragment "tie"s in the E-Smith configuration file,
that is released en exit. What happens if more than one module tie the same
config file at the same time, and one of them tries to modify it?

In other words, could it be that the reset-unsavedchange fragment is
executed while some background squidGuard module still ties the config file,
and the write operation is not performed?

Be warned, I'm just barking in the dark.. :)

Help wanted :) : is there anyone on this list whose server has transproxy
and - better yet - even squidGuard installed that is willing to verify the
presence of such UnsavedChanges problem on his own machine?


Pierluigi Miranda

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