On 13 Feb 2001, at 11:26, Peter Samuel wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Dean Staff wrote:
> > Now that 4.1 has finally been officially released, I just wanted to
> > congratulate all the e-smith developers for a job VERY well done!!!
> >
> > My hat is off to you all!!
> >
> > Peter, Charlie, and Gordon, you guys rock! You have been very
> > patient (most of the time <tongue in cheek>) with all of "users"
> > asking (sometimes stupid) questions on the devinfo list. (Some of us
> > need to be hit on the head before we realized you answered our
> > questions days earlier  <sheepish grin>)
> >
> > I realize there are other developers involved, and they deserve
> > praise also, but you guys are the front line for us. So I address
> > this to you, and you can pass it on. Thanks!
> Praise should be given to the entire e-smith team. To quote Charlie's
> announcement of 4.1rc1:
>     The e-smith development team is:
>       Charlie Brady
>       Gordon Rowell
>       Jason Miller
>       Tony Clayton
>       Paul Nesbit
>       Kirrily Robert
>       Adrian Chung
>       Peter Samuel
>       Damien Curtain
>     The documentation team is:
>       Dan York
>       Dan McGarry
>       Rebecca Anstett
>     And the loving parents are:
>       Joe Morrison
>       Kim Morrison

I completely agree, and I apologize for not having the team member's 
names handy to include in my original post.

> >
> > Keep up the great work
> >
> > I hope you can all now take a well deservered holiday!
> >
> > And BTW, in case you were too busy and missed it... Merry Christmas!
> We actually managed to find time to celebrate Christmas - a white
> Christmas was certainly a novelty for the Australian contingent of the
> e-smith team.

I suspect getting 2 winters in 12 months was a shock for some of you 


Dean Staff
Protus IP Solutions
210 - 2435 Holly Lane
Ottawa, ON K1V 7P2 Canada
613-733-0000 ex 546 Fax 613-248-4553
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.protus.com

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