Thanks you So Much for that information

I Must also apologize about my email, there where allot of stressful things
happening and the email was just adding to it, Once again thanks and sorry


Dan York wrote:

> David,
> As others have said, people *try* to answer questions on this list, but
> there is no guarantee that anyone will be able to help.
> > Firstly i am aware that you are able to sort email into various folders
> > that i have created using procmail with a .procmailrc file, is this the
> > case with the way e-smith is set up or is there a different mail
> > delivery program being used?
> You *can* use procmail to sort messages on the server.  Each user who
> is going to be using procmail to sort MUST have shell access on the e-smith
> server.  They also must have a valid .procmailrc file with appropriate
> recipes.  All folders into which messages are to be sorted need to be
> created ahead of time.  Finally, to make qmail, the delivery agent that
> e-smith uses, know that it should use procmail, you need to create a
> '.qmail' file in the user's home directory with this line:
>   | procmail ~/.procmailrc
> (the first character is a pipe '|' character).  Now qmail will pass all
> messages for the user to procmail which will sort them into the appropriate
> folders.
> This is *server-side* mail sorting, versus the *client-side* mail sorting
> typically done in Netscape or Outlook.
> On that note, do realize that programs like Netscape may not "play nice"
> with procmail sorting, since they may maintain their own indices of each
> mail folder, and may get confused my procmail putting messages into the
> folders.  I gave up on using Netscape (as an IMAP client) with procmail,
> as I was losing messages due to Netscape's indexing.  I use the text
> email program 'mutt' now, and it works fine as an IMAP client against a
> server where the messages are being sorted via procmail.  (I use mutt
> from the Linux desktop where I work. It reads the messages via IMAP
> from the e-smith server on our network.)
> Note also that the e-smith IMAP server stores messages in 'Maildir' format.
> Given that procmail will work with either Maildir or standard UNIX mailbox
> format, you have to clue procmail in to the fact that it is working with
> Maildir. The way to do that is to end all folders with a trailing '/'
> character, as in the example (from my .procmailrc):
>   :0:
>   $MAILDIR/devinfo/
> > Also if Procmail is being used are there any example of the setup or an
> > e-smith how to that i can look at?
> Unfortunately I do not know of any examples that are out there that I
> can point you to.  Several of us here at e-smith, inc., do use
> procmail for sorting, but the only description I can give you is what
> I wrote above.
> No one has created a HOWTO. It is certainly on our internal 'wishlist'
> of HOWTO documents, but I have no idea when I or others here would be
> able to write something up. (Contributions are welcome!  :-)
> Regards,
> Dan
> --
> Dan York, Director of Training        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ph: +1-613-751-4401  Mobile: +1-613-263-4312 Fax: +1-613-564-7739
> e-smith, inc. 150 Metcalfe St., Suite 1500, Ottawa,ON K2P 1P1 Canada
> http://www.e-smith.com/            open source, open mind
> --
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