Hello All
This is an old subject I know.But I have been having a friendly 
conversation with my ISP about this subject.
If you are having problems getting your ISP to assign you the static IP 
you have arranged with them to provide..
It is not your fault that you keep getting the wrong one
You are on very firm ground.

This is a <snip> from the last message.from www.onthe.net.au

When is the Ip assigned and who has control?

"It is actually done after the PAP authnetication as part of establishing
the ppp connection.  There is a conversation that goes on between the
machines, your machine asks to be authenticated, then sets and recieves
some paramaters, one of which is the ip address.  Your machine can
request a specific ip but almost always it will be rejected as it is the
server side that is actually in control."

Steve Head

On The Net  runs redhat 6+ has thousands of users and 100s with a static IP.

I thought that this was good concise description of the process.

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