Dear Darrell:

I can think of 3 draw-backs to this:
    1) It doesn't do anything of cutting down the volume of mail for those that 
want it limited.
    2) It requires users to uses a filtering software.  I for one, don't have 
one configured.
    3) It may be hard for New users to learn these areas.  Misspellings would 
be missed by the filters and there would most likely be somebody that would 
create a new [group] because he felt like it.

I am afraid we would use a few of the "treasured" minds out there because they 
don't have time to read through all the posts (especially the wrong tagged 
posts that wouldn't be filtered out) and would unsubscribe from the list.

I am still in favor of creating more e-mail lists.  Everybody on devlist would 
be automaticly subscribed to all new lists.  If the lists isn't for them, they
could "unsubscribe" to that one list only and still receive the basic devinfo 

Users with filtering can subscribe to all the lists with the same e-mail and 
have their filtering software seperate the comments.
   Groups maybe:    [e-smith- group-software]
                    [e-smith- php&mysql]

and of course keeping [e-smith-devinfo] for general e-smith development 

Quoting Darrell May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Answering my own post :-) maybe a 'quick' solution would be to 
> implement a posting policy whereby the topic/product name would be
> the first entry on the Subject: line.  As an example we could do
> this:
> Subject: [topic] subject_message_here
> Subject: [rav] 
> Subject: [twig]
> Subject: [phorum]
> Subject: [hylafax]
> Subject: [whfc]
> Subject: [phpmyadmin]
> Subject: [newbie]  # where we respond with a gentler touch :-)
> So you would end up with messages like these incoming:
> [e-smith-devinfo] for all e-smith unfiled issues
> [e-smith-devinfo] [topic] for all topic/product specific issues
> This would permit easy 'rules' forwarding to appropriate
> folders and provide for better mailing list sort/search
> capabilities.
> Darrell
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Darrell May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 8:33 AM
> > To: e-smith-devinfo (E-mail)
> > Subject: [e-smith-devinfo] QUESTION TO E-SMITH & DEVINFO MEMBERS:
> > 
> > 
> > Is devinfo the appropriate place to discuss third party 
> > products on e-smith.
> > I have been working with RAV, TWIG, PHORUM, HYLAFAX, WHFC,
> > 
> > Comments about the mailing list being too active have risen 
> > recently.  Maybe
> > it would be preferable to host these discussions off devinfo and
> > onto specific third party application forums.
> > 
> > How about e-smith giving us more forums on the 
> > site.  A secure
> > partner forum is needed as well as a third party application 
> > folder, with
> > individual app forums would be nice.  If e-smith feels they 
> > are unable to
> > provide this I would be happy to provide this off my web site.
> > 
> > Comments are encouraged, so what say you?
> > 
> > Darrell
> > 
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Archives by mail and 
> >
> > 
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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