I have wrote the follow How-To for turning an E-smith server/gateway into a 
public DNS server with dual named instances in the same chroot shell.

Before I fully release it, am interested if this list has any suggestions on 
improving it.  I do understand that running a public DNS server isn't 
recommended by e-smith, but I wrote this for those that may be interested.

== Security
I am limiting packets to be of type UDP on port 53.   Since TCP packages are 
used for ZONE update requests.  Is this enough, or is there more rules I can 
put in IPchains?

== Need Help:
  1)  How do I get /sbin/e-smith/signal-event console-save
      to automatically re-build my custom Named Conf templates?
  2)  How do I get console-save to move my named*.conf files to /home/dns/etc ?
  3)  I don't think we need to remove the 60domains file on the internal side
      or should I? (See step 3.C) 
  4) How to reset IPchains and inittab without rebooting?
     If I need to reboot, is "init 6" a good/safe way of rebooting the system?
     or should I use the console?

== Public DNS HOTO for E-SMITH 4.1.X

==Instructions on how to set up DNS to Host a Public Website.
Before you start:
   To transfer your website to your machine you need to have 2 DNS servers.
   Your e-smith machine can be one of them, but you will need a second.  This
   can be done by a second e-smith machine on a different static IP number.
   You can also do this by paying a fee and using a public DNS or having a
   friend machine be your secondary DNS server.

   These instructions assume you have a 2 static IP number (,
   The E-smith machine is a gateway with two Net cards.  The Internal IP is
   The new domain you are hosting is: mycompany.com

==Turning your E-smith 4.1.X machine into a public dual DNS server:
==I tested this on E-smith version 4.1.2

1)Create 2 custom templates for the named.conf files for the Dual DNS servers 
(one Internal & one External)
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/named-ext.conf
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/named.conf
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/named-ext.conf
cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/named.conf/* 
cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/named.conf/* 

2)Customize the External DNS config file (name-ext.conf)
   2.A) Update the "listen on" line in file "15listenon"
      From:        listen-on \{; { $LocalIP }; \};
      To:          listen-on \{ { $ExternalIP }; \};
   2.B) Add local Host files as "31MyCompany" (use command "pico 31MyCompany")
      #  MyCompany.com domain
      zone "mycompany.com" \{
            type master;
            file "mycompany.host.ext";
  2.B.1) If you have more than one domain follow set 2.B for each creating
         files 31MyDomain or 31company2
  2.C) Remove default Local Host file (since the use the 192.168.x.x numbers) 
        rm 30localhost
  2.D) Remove reverse lookup files (since these also have 192.168.x.x numbers)
        rm 40localptrs
  2.E) Remove the default Domain files (since we will had these by hand)      
        rm 60domains  
3)Customize the Internal DNS config file (name.conf)
  3.A) Copy domain files from external config directory to Internal directory
    cp /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/named-ext.conf/31* 
  3.B) Edit all 31 domain files to list the internal files: (example: pico 
       from            file "mycompany.host.ext";
       to              file "mycompany.host.int";
  3.C) I don't think we need to remove the 60domains file on the internal side?  
Any Comments?
4)expand the named config files templates and copy to /home/dns/etc
   /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/named.conf
   /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/named-ext.conf
   cp /etc/named-ext.conf /home/dns/etc
   /**** Step 9 will do a /sbin/e-smith/signal-event console-save which will 
copy only the named.conf file. **/
   /** any hints on how to get e-smith to automatically copy the named-ext.conf 
when Templates are changed would be appreciated **/
5)Create mycompany.host.ext zone file in directory /home/dns/var/named 
(example: pico /home/dns/var/named/mycompany.host.ext)
  copy the following to the file:
   @ IN SOA mycompany.com. admin.mycompany.com. (
                                      2001042501 ; Serial
                                      8H      ; Refresh
                                      2H      ; Retry
                                      7D    ; Expire
                                      1D )    ; Minimum
                 IN      NS      ns1
                 IN      NS      ns2
                 IN      MX 10   mail
   mycompany.com. IN A
   ns1           IN      A
   ns2           IN      A
   mail          IN      A
   www           IN      A
   ftp           IN      A
6)Create mycompany.host.int zone file in directory /home/dns/var/named 
(example: pico /home/dns/var/named/mycompany.host.int)
   @ IN SOA mycompany.com. admin.mycompany.com. (
                                         2001042501 ; Serial
                                         8H      ; Refresh
                                         2H      ; Retry
                                         7D    ; Expire
                                         1D )    ; Minimum
                 IN      NS      ns1
                 IN      NS      ns2
                 IN      MX 10   mail
   mycompany.com. IN A
   ns1           IN      A
   ns2           IN      A
   mail          IN      A
   www           IN      A
   ftp           IN      A
7) Edit the inittab file to start two instances of Named
   7.A) create a custom template for /etc/inittab
      mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/inittab
      cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/inittab/* 
   7.B) edit file 15named to launch 2 copies of named with different config 
files (example: pico 15named)
        $OUT .= "ni:3457:respawn:/usr/sbin/named -f -u dns -g dns";
        $OUT .= " -t /home/dns /etc/named.conf\n";
        $OUT .= "ne:3457:respawn:/usr/sbin/named -f -u dns -g dns";
        $OUT .= " -t /home/dns /etc/named-ext.conf";
   7.C) expand this new template
        /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/inittab
   7.D) Changes will not take effect until a reboot (but we will do that at the 
8) Update ipchains starting script to allow incoming packets to port 53.
   We are limiting the packets to be of type UDP since TCP packages are used 
for ZONE update requests.
   8.A) create a custom template for /etc/rc.d/init.d/masq
      mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/rc.d/init.d/masq
      cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/rc.d/init.d/masq 
   8.B) create file 45AllowDNS with the follow contents:
           $OUT .= <<'HERE'
              /sbin/ipchains --append input -p udp  -d $OUTERNET 53 -j ACCEPT
9) Do a console-save command to global update
    /sbin/e-smith/signal-event console-save
10) Reboot the system. (Is "init 6" a good/safe way of rebooting the system?)

==Adding a new Domain to the public dual DNS servers:
==Example:  How to do DNS for a Friend or host another Domain as a Virtual 
Assume: I am adding Domain PERSONAL.ORG as an IBAY on the same machine
1) Customize the External DNS config file (name-ext.conf)
  1.A) add a 31personal file (example: pico 
      #  personal.org domain
      zone "personal.org" \{
            type master;
            file "personal.host.ext";
2) Customize the Internal DNS config file (name-int.conf)
  1.A) add a 31personal file (example: pico 
      #  personal.org domain
      zone "personal.org" \{
            type master;
            file "personal.host.int";
3) Expand the Named Config Files and copy them to the chroot location 
   /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/named.conf
   /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/named-ext.conf
   cp /etc/named*.conf /home/dns/etc
4) Create personal.host.ext zone file in directory /home/dns/var/named 
(example: pico /home/dns/var/named/personal.host.ext)
   see step 5 above to example of file contents.
5) Create personal.host.int zone file in directory /home/dns/var/named 
(example: pico /home/dns/var/named/personal.host.int)
   see step 6 above to example of file contents.
6) Restart the Named processes by killing them and init will automatically 
respawn new instances of them.
   killall named
7) You can verify killall did it job by running "pidof named" before and after 
and you will see that
   each time it list 2 different pid showing that 2 instances of named are 

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