First off I would like to apologize for not writing this sooner (I think
procmail has been eating my email -- I need to do Charlie's fix).

Second, I apologize for not contacting e-smith about all this -- it just
came about pretty fast, and I hope that we haven't burned any bridges.
I want to say that I love e-smith and that I always recommend it to
anyone that wants a linux server (and I always will).  They always end
up loving it as much as we do.  That said, we started this as a small
project to be able to make a custom e-smith cd/distro, and then we added
things, and it just kept going.  Which brings us to the 3rd point.

Third, aXon is not a fork of e-smith, but an extention.  Much like
e-smith is an extention of redhat.  The target of aXon is very different
-- it is for people that know what they are doing.  There will never be
commercial support for it.  We are making it because we need something
that allows us to add all the features that we need to give to
customers, and we thought that other developers might like it.  And onto

Fourth, we are adding things that we need in a server.  Journaled fs
(XFS, reiser, and ext3 are all possible -- eventually we would like to
be able to decide at install time).  Freeswan/ipsec is a must.  Hylafax.
Samba 2.2.1a for domain and roaming profiles.  Rdiff-backup for remote
off site backup, and roll back of changes (search on freshmeat).  Latest
python.  Cups with all the gimp-print filters (I love cups).
SquidGuard, sleezeball, batch-add-users, etc.  We are not trying to
support these things or make freeswan config easy (that's what e-smith
is for), we are just putting them on there so the developer/admin has a
choice to use them.  We were just scratching an itch of the things we

Fifth, I apologize if it seems that we have been farming this list for
developers (I need to look at all the previous postings), that was not
the intent.  We are not trying to take away from e-smith at all (I love
e-smith the server to much, and I respect e-smith the company to much).
We will setup a mailing list in short order, so we don't disturb things

Thank you for your time (sorry about the long post), and thanks to
e-smith for a great product, and to the developers for their genius,
without all of which, we couldn't be scratching an itch right now.

Jeb Campbell

PS. Could someone at e-smith call me or give a number to call (I tried
but could not get through).  E-mail is fine also, but it might be good
to talk.

T 865-546-6381
M 865-368-5322

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