Test environment:

Workstation = W2K SP1

Server = SME5.1B1 + e-smith-samba-1.1.0-32
- domain = TEST
- servername = SME5
- ibay = data, group=everyone

Bug Reports:

Problem: Initial W2K attempt to connect to domain using 'admin' failed

Error: 'Logon failure: unknown username or bad password'

Solution: manually add admin to smbpasswd

[root@sme5 /root]# smbpasswd -add admin
Added user admin.
[root@sme5 /root]# smbpasswd admin
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Password changed for user admin. User has disabled flag set.
[root@sme5 /root]# smbpasswd -e admin
Enabled user admin.

Successful Reports:

Profiles - add user:
- looks good! 
- successfully created Profile directory using server-manager, add user
- W2K workstation successfully wrote to Profile directory at first W2K 

Profiles - del user:
- looks good!
- successfully deleted Profile directory using server-manager, del user

Profiles - recreate user: (did you know about this capability?)
- looks good!
- successfully recreated Profile directory using server-manager, add user
- W2K workstation successfully restored roaming profile at next W2K 

Default Drive mappings: (netlogon.bat _empty_)
- looks good!
- Z: = \\sme5\~user

Netlogon.bat execution:
- looks good!
- successfully remapped the home drive removing the default mapping of Z:
- netlogon.bat used shown below:

REM To set the time when clients logon to the domain:
net time \\sme5 /set /yes

REM To remap the home directory to drive h: and remove
REM the default mapping of z:
net use h: /home
net use z: /delete /yes

REM To map drive s: to the shared data ibay
net use s: \\sme5\data

Ibay access:
- looks good!
- access to ibays works as expected


Darrell May
DMC Netsourced.com

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