On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Greg Zartman wrote:

> As an aside, who came up with "flaming" someone?  It's certainly a term 
> used on all of the lists I subsribe to, but seems odd doesn't it?


flame: [at MIT, orig. from the phrase `flaming asshole'] 1. vi. To post an 
email message intended to insult and provoke. 2. vi. To speak incessantly 
and/or rabidly on some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently 
ridiculous attitude. 3. vt. Either of senses 1 or 2, directed with 
hostility at a particular person or people. 4. n. An instance of flaming. 
When a discussion degenerates into useless controversy, one might tell the 
participants "Now you're just flaming" or "Stop all that flamage!" to try 
to get them to cool down (so to speak).

The term may have been independently invented at several different places. 
It has been reported from MIT, Carleton College and RPI (among many other 
places) from as far back as 1969, and from the University of Virginia in 
the early 1960s.

It is possible that the hackish sense of `flame' is much older than that. 
The poet Chaucer was also what passed for a wizard hacker in his time; he 
wrote a treatise on the astrolabe, the most advanced computing device of 
the day. In Chaucer's "Troilus and Cressida", Cressida laments her 
inability to grasp the proof of a particular mathematical theorem; her 
uncle Pandarus then observes that it's called "the fleminge of wrecches." 
This phrase seems to have been intended in context as "that which puts the 
wretches to flight" but was probably just as ambiguous in Middle English 
as "the flaming of wretches" would be today. One suspects that Chaucer 
would feel right at home on Usenet.

Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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