Darrell May wrote:

> # Administration: phpmyadmin
> Alias /phpmyadmin /opt/administration/phpmyadmin
> <Directory /opt/administration/phpmyadmin>
>     RequireSSL on

So you will only be able to assecc this using SSL?
How do you allow "dual" access? Like with webmail!

>     Options -Indexes

What does this do?

>     AllowOverride None
>     order deny,allow
>     deny from all
>     allow from all
>     AuthName "phpMyAdmin"
>     AuthType Basic
>     AuthExternal pwauth
>     require user admin

Can you specify a particular user i.e. bfriedman? I assume they have to 
be a user on SME.

>     Satisfy all
>     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
>     php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  on
>     php_flag  track_vars        on

I have seen this mentioned in some applications. Some ask to turn it 
off! Just RTFM before right?

> </Directory>
> Here is an example of forcing SSL and locking access to multiple defined
> user/passwords:
> <Directory /opt/developers>
>     RequireSSL on
>     Options -Indexes
>     AllowOverride None
>     order deny,allow
>     deny from all
>     allow from all
>     AuthName "Restricted Developer Access Only"
>     AuthType Basic
>     AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/htpasswd.developers
>     Require valid-user
>     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
>     php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  on
>     php_flag  track_vars        on
> </Directory>

Ok got it!

>>3. Directory ownership - Who should be the owner of this directory? www
>>or root:shared? Why?
> The goal is to be restrictive and only permit access where access is
> directly needed.  In this case www:www is not the best choice.  Keep the
> majority of your files set root:root and either 640 or 644 which simply adds
> global read.  Only files that your app MUST write to should be set www:www
> and this is where you need to be careful.

In other word, RTFM for the app. 

Do you want to give global read right?

>>4. Access right? - chmod ? 755 should be ok?
> 7 adds executable and this should be avoided.  It is only necessary for
> binary files and scripts.  How ever be careful as dirctories usually require
> 755 so make sure you do not chmod -R 640 *.  Use the find command to change
> only files.
> # find . -type f -name "*" -exec chmod 640 {} \;

I see this is going to be more complicated than I first though.What I 
think I will do is write a generic guideline. Rather than a howto, these 
are thing that should be in the SME manual!


Brandon Friedman
Cell:083 408 7840

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