On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 9:55 am, Charlie Brady wrote:
> All I ask is that you respect Mitel's right to do what it chooses to do in
> the interest of its customers and shareholders.

I think one of the things that we need to be clear about is that while SME is 
an open-sourced product, it is not currently an 'openly developed' product.  
This list is not where the key development decision get made.  Perhaps it was 
once. (I don't know since I've only been involved with SME since it was owned 
by Mitel.)  Regardless of whether I think it is a wise decision by Mitel or 
not, I respect their commercial right to act as they see fit.

There is another Linux based product that I use - Astaro Security Linux.  
Astaro takes a very similar approach to Mitel.  The development of the 
product is 'closed', but they have a 'ASL Hackers / Beta Version' Forum, 
which is for beta version feedback and for discussion of non-supported user 
developed addons.  Some of these contributions may (occasionaly) make it back 
into the core product.

As it currently stands, I think this list is essentially here to provide the 
same functions: a place for feedback on beta versions and the discussion of 
user developed addons.  In this context, the contributions made by Mitel 
employees should be appreciated for what they are - a gift to the 'SME Hacker 

That all being said, I think there are things that we, the 'SME Hacker 
Community' (aka Devinfo) could do to make life better for ourselves.

I think we could do with a better system for managing SME contributions (both 
HOWTO's and RPM's).  We could possibly even do with our own website for news 
and running our own Groupware interface.  This could be hosted by someone in 
the community, or we could use Sourceforge or Savanah 

The important thing is that it has to be *our* effort.  We cannot demand that 
Mitel provide anything more than they already do.  They provide a great 
product, with source code.  They offer to host user developed contributions 
for free.  They provide a mailing list for discussing ideas.  If we want 
more, then WE need to do it.

For example, there is no reason that we (the Devinfo community) could not set 
up our own bug-tracking system, which would then be available to both us and 
Mitel.  In my view, a publicly accessible bug tracking system (for 
non-security related bugs) would be a Good Thing(tm).  One of the key 
benefits of open source is the 'many eyeball' effect, but it only works if 
the bug tracking system is public, since the person who finds a bug is rarely 
the person who can fix it.  The best way to demonstrate this to Mitel would 
be to do it, and contribute back fixes.

Oh, and just to be clear.  I'm not in any way suggesting that we 'fork' SME in 
any way.  It is mainly user developed contributions that I have in mind here, 
not a new version of SME.  It is just that if we want utilities to make our 
life easier, we need to provide them.

What do others think??


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