On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Rasjid Wilcox wrote:

> I'd like to make sure I understand this correctly.
> Is it the case that creating an rpm for SME 5.5 can be done on a standard RH 
> 7.2 system with all updates applied, except in the case of kernel module 
> development?  (This is despite the fact that it has a 2.4 kernel and SME 5.5 
> has a 2.2?)


> I guess my question is:
> Which is better to build and package on -
> a) a modified SME with make, gcc etc installed, or
> b) the relevant RedHat base distribution?

There is no advantage in using a modified SME over the relevant RedHat
base distribution. We use RedHat servers for development, and we have no
reason to consider changing.

Adding compilers to an SME server which operates as a firewall increases
the change that an exploit will be leveraged - see tech reports on the
recent linux worms.

Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lead Product Developer
Network Server Solutions Group
Mitel Networks Corporation      http://www.mitel.com/smallbusiness
Phone: +1 (613) 592 5660 or 592 2122  Fax: +1 (613) 592 1175

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