I know this is not exactly a development issue - but I have had the question gathering dust on the Experienced User are for a few days and need an answer.

I have a system that is currenty running 5.1.2.

I intend to upgrade to 5.5. I cannot go to 5.6 as there are some drivers that are not compiled for the newer kernel and I don't have a development machine to do it (SkyMedia card)

What I have done for my system configuration is to have 2 HD's. The system is split so that the '/home' is on a 30 gig HD and the base op system is on another 4 gig HD.

I did this as a protection again HD failure etc so that most of the user information can be protected.

I need to find out what will happen when I do the upgrade of 5.5 on this environment.

As 5.5 will boot from the CD. It wont know about the other HD (unless it uses the main systems mount table.)

5.5 will also move some of the user's MAIL directories around so that if the upgrade is done only on the ROOT HD without mounting the USER HD then I will have to upgrade the user's area manually.

Has anyone done this can offer some suggestions. I'd hate to have my system down for longer than necessary as it really is the hub of my business


Anubis Systems Brisbane, QLD, Australia Mob: 0416 264 637 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web Anubis-Systems.Com

Anubis Systems
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Mob:            0416 264 637
Web             Anubis-Systems.Com

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