Well a few minutes after sending my plea for help I found a line elsewhere
in the server that gave the answer..

This file updates the /var/qmail/control/helohost file to reflect the
hostname of the current IP address.

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/var/qmail/control
pico helohost

then cut and paste the following.


        use strict;
        use Errno;
        use Socket;
        use esmith::config;
        use esmith::util;
        use esmith::db;

        $OUT = '';

        my %conf;
        tie %conf, 'esmith::config';

        my $local_ip = db_get(\%conf, 'ExternalIP');

        my $addr = inet_aton($local_ip);
        my $fqdn  = gethostbyaddr($addr, AF_INET);

        $OUT .= "$fqdn";

Now we need to trigger this file..

pico /etc/e-smith/events/ep-change/S90reset-qmail-helohost
and paste thsi in.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

package esmith;

use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::config;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::db;

my %conf;
tie %conf, 'esmith::config';

esmith::util::processTemplate (\%conf, "/var/qmail/control/helohost");

# Reset qmail TCP timeouts, and tell qmail-send to retry sending

system("/usr/bin/killall", "-ALRM", "qmail-send");

exit (0);


This all seems to work on my system :)


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