I have thought of an idea that could make freenet a lot more useful. 
Basically the idea is a Freenews - a freenet based usenet. Now before 
everybody jumps on me and tells me I am stupid just please read the rest of 
this idea.

This system would work using a sequential KSKs(or some other more secure key 
type), such has been used for feedback on various freenet sites. The header 
and the body would be separated into two keys For an example, 

Headers sequence:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]/h0
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]/h1

Bodys sequence: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/b0
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]/b1

USE of the GROUPS:
The main message insert, header download, and body read classes would be 
contained in freenet.jar. Then a person could modify a standard newsreader to 
use mjr's freenet client protocol to access the classes in freenet.jar and 
thus use Freenews as if it were a normal news server. 

A special SSK(?) based group called admin would be created. This group would 
be used for people to suggest a group name and description - and then vote on 
whether it should be created. If enough votes were collected for yes - the 
group would automatically be created.(Not sure about this part)

A SSK DBR group list with names and descriptions could be maintained by a 
admin for the Freenews system. (Unless there is a better way).

To stop uncoordinated addition of new groups the FCP based system would only 
allow access to groups that follow the correct heirachy. Spam would be 
controlled by two key methods:

1. People would see the headers on the spam and not download them. This would 
mean that the spam messages would drop out of the freenet pretty quickly.

2. Header lengths would be controlled at both the insert and receive ends to 
stop people using the headers for advertising

These measures would ensure that freenews would not be an effective thing to 
spam. Flooding is harder to control. However I don't think it will be flooded 
to much.(I hope)

As Freenet versions get better the Freenews system would become faster and 
more reliable due to improvements in the routing of messages. Maybe a new key 
type for Freenews could be developed to improve the usabilitity.

- PGP signing or some similiar method could be used to make sure that the 
person you thought posted a message is actually the person who did.
- SPAM blocking by matching criteria like words like "MAKE MONEY FAST".
- A more efficient system of adding binaries to text posts. Replacement for 
UUENCODING. The system could be based on metadata and stop the need for 
multipart posts.
- No crossposting.

I have discussed this idea with a few people in #freenet. You know who you 
are.... :-). I was told Travis was working on this. Maybe I can help him out 
or something.

Anyway I think this would make freenet a lot more functional quickly and 
needs to be looked at. Please don't make this yet another thing you look at 
with FProxy. It needs it's own clients similiar to real newsgroups.

David Findlay aka "redcliffe"

P.S. I am not a member of the list, so please CC me your response. I would be 
a member of the list - but I already get 200 messages a day.

P.P.S Maybe these mailling lists could be the first things to run on 
Freenews. e.g. freenet.devel, freenet.tech, etc!

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