I got that same image a few days ago, and was hoping it was just a fluke.  I
still have it there, was hoping someone else might see it before I tried
reinstalling to correct it.   I update my snapshop daily, so is this a
compromised .jar issue?

----- Original Message -----
From: "fish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-dev] The development circus

> First, a disclaimer: I am completly pumped up on painkillers right now,
> so my spelling and grammer are NOT up to speed.  be forwarned.
> updating an existing windows node:
> localhost:8888/ returns the standard IE warning blah blha ignore ignore (i
> don't have windows for any other reason than to build fishtools, so I'm
> not gonna waste more time by installing a browser.  I'd actully never ever
> used fproxy on windows before today :-p).  Then, for some bizzare reason
> gives not the usual freenet info screen, but rather something that looks
> like it came from that freenet art galery site - and it retrieved it over
> the network, no less - weird.
> Cleared my node, and it exhibits the same behaviour.
> Installing a new node:
> firstly, i accidently grabbed the wrong win32 installer from the snapshots
> page, and was might surprised when I saw the old fproxy intro screen - my
> bad :).  But it's confusing.... the only *full* snapshot exe is from last
> febuary.  No, I *don't* want a webinstall.  really.
> uninstall that, install the webinstall, take my IE abuse again, look at
> the config, it's still asking me to put the nodestatusservlet on port
> 8890.  okay that anyhow, just in case, start the node, wait ages and think
> that freenet isn't working, realise that it finally is and I just hadn't
> waited enough, take internet explorer abuse, and then the same
> image.  I've attached it to this email.  If anyone objects, they can all
> bite me.
> I tried inserting a onion1.2 FEC file, and that did work now with a stock
> install, so we can thank the good lords for small mercies.  I fully intend
> to *only* support this format as of fishsite v3.0.9, which should be done
> sometime in the next 24 hours,not that it matters, since no-one uses my
> tools, but you know.
> I do not have win32 development tools other than mingw32 and python, and
> therefore I really cannot fix freenet.  My internet bill (I am charged for
> data) is already high enough, and what's more, I've got my own bugs to fix
> :-p
> - fish
> On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Gianni Johansson wrote:
> > I didn't expect this to be so bumpy. I guess my error was in assuming
> > anyone else would do anything.
> >
> > 20020923
> > Announce intention to check in fixes to fproxy -- FEC inserting,
> > access restored.  Ask if anyone objects.
> > http://hawk.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2002-September/001099.html
> >
> > 20020924
> > Checkin after receiving no objections  Document changes  and post to the
> > list.  Ask for help verifying/fixing the installers.
> > http://hawk.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2002-September/001106.html
> >
> > 20020925
> > Beg for help verifying the installers.
> > http://hawk.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2002-September/001123.html
> >
> > 20020926
> > Desperately beg for help verifying the installers.  Check unix installer
> > myself.  Find that that it is not using freenet-ext.jar. Email ian, who
> > it.
> >
> > Though the actual process of how snapshots are built remains shrouded in
> > mystery.
> >
> > http://hawk.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2002-September/001127.html
> >
> > 20020928
> > As of today, *no one has bothered to email me or the list to report
> > the windows installer works*
> >
> > It is really to bad if the Windows installer is broken.  Is it still
> > I don't know.
> >
> > It should take 10 minutes to test and 10 minutes to fix and 10 minutes
> > rebuild if their is a problem.  I don't have a windows machine so I
can't do
> > it myself.   If someone had done this on the 25th there would be nothing
> > whine about.
> >
> > But I guess it's easier to whine and wait for someone else to do it.  I
> > wonder how much longer the Windows users will wait?
> >
> > --gj
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > devl mailing list
> > http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl
> >

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