This suggestion is a trivial thing to implement, but
 would do no harm if wrong, and can help to reshape the load
 if correct.

I remember to heard some concern about this weeks ago,
 but .....

If the user type something in the retrieve field, Fproxy
 by default assume freenet: & KSK key, if no protocol
 or keytype is specified.

This is useful for well behaving users that know Freenet
 & need a KSK, but IMHO is devastating when a wave of newbie
 use this field as search engine; speaking with a couple
 of them, I heard that both try to do that the first time
 they fired up their nodes.

I think that a part of the overload was due to nodes asking
 for non existent KSK.

I don't think that a warning message on the fproxy page
 would be useful; I simply suggest to remove the KSK
 default, mandating the input of keytype & maybe also
 freenet:; an error message with some explaination
 after a typeless input, with some clues about Freenet
 not being a search engine, would solve IMHO this

JM2C... Ciao.   Marc

+     il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco        +
*     the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit        *
*   Marco A. Calamari    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    *
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