On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Jon Brock wrote:

> Also, I'd like to get involved with freenet development, is there any
> particular place you suggest I start? My initial thought was to build on the
> FCP to make it easier for apps to do split files, especially with FEC.

if you're going to attack that, you probably want to take a look at the
work GJ has already done in that area.  

The reality is that having fred deal with the entire splitfile all on it's
own isn't terribly useful, since no-one agrees on exactly the logic that
one should be using for inserting/retrieving

as a side note, I was looking at the splitfile request code in fred today,
and while it didn't make much sense to me, one improvment that i'd
suggest, is that where it reads

                        synchronized (requestQueue) {
                            request =

(line #640 ion SplitFileDownloader.java), it should instead remove a
random element from the queue and (attempt to) retrieve that.

but that's just me.  it is entierly possible that my reading of the code
is wrong, and that's already happening somewhere else, but last I checked,
which was, to be fair, 2 months ago almost now, fred had this nasty habit
of downloading the blocks sequentially, whcih is bad :)

        - fish

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