I'm still getting quite a lot of RNF's at htl=15.  Is this still expected
behaviour, or is it just the node I'm trying to insert from?  Just

I've made some changes to my freenet audio streamer that make the
insertion much more robust (specifically, changing the way the threading
works.  should have done this long ago, but you guys know how life gets in
the way ;), but it really needs some UI to be usable

anyhow, i've throw the linux version of the improved version up at
http://www.dspaudio.com/~jaymz/fishstream-0.0.7.tar.gz for people to look
at/play with (but i havn't put up windows binaries, since i don't have
access to my windows box right now. - which is the same reason that the
version still on the fishtools web/freesite is only v0.0.6), but only
freenet-encoder has changed, not streamserver.

this is not heavily tested, due to the RNF problems I've been having, but
I think that it's robust enough now as a program in of itself that people
could actully use it.  theoretically.  if it didn't always RNF :).

There are several problems, however, that still exist:

a) if your chunkTime is >48 seconds, it will of course have to make CHK
keys and redirects.  what this means in real terms, is that if you're
going to have a chunkTime >48 seconds, you probably should have at least
96, since you're retrieving two keys anyhow.

b) ogg input still doesn't actully work - i'll admit it, this is me being
kinda lazy - i've been more worried about the core streaming functionality
than the input ;).  Shoutcast and mp3 playlist (winamp format) input are
tested, however, and do work for me

c) some people seem to have a lot of trouble streaming 22khz/mono oggs.  
I don't know *why*.  I have found *nothing* about this online bar one
refrence on the icecast mailing list, and neither person involved (on the
icecast list) replied to my emails.  Frankly, I'm completly stumped at
this one - can anyone who has *any* ideas on this please please please
help? - Honestly, I think the problem is the players or soundcard drivers
playing mono as stereo for some reason.  I should insert a stereo stream
for people to try, and if I get over these damn insertion problems on
freenet, i will.

d) there is no UI.  well, there is globalconfig and the stream config
file... at least it's not a big commandline :-p.  But I'm really looking
for help on this one... I don't really know how to UI this, so any
help/input I can have on this would make me really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really happy

e) i've got key verification on by default now.  This is because freenet
is dropping about half of my keys on the floor without them ever hitting a
part of the network that the inserting node can access ;).  

f) I didn't mention this in the documentation for this one, and since I
mentioned it in the documentation for everything else and people *STILL*
ignore it, if you send me logs, please remember to remove your private key

g) there is no item g.

h) any test stream mentioned in said documenation will have fallen off
freenet by now ;).  You can try
, which is a live stream that I've currently got attempting to run, and
I'll leave it until either (a) it dies of it's own accord or (b) i get
bored and kill it or (c) matt the fantastic incredible codemonkey decides
it's too much of a load on his box and kill's it :-)

(yes, i know the playlist on that stream sucks :-p.  But I have worse
music than that...  oh yeah, don't try for 20 minutes from now, since I
just restarted the stream for a bugfix :-p.  that stream also has a 2
minute chunk size, which means that your buffer size should be 4 minutes
miniomum.  read the streamserver documentation for more.)

        - fish

p.s. freesite tip for the day:  don't try and be funny and make your front
page look like an error message if you want people to actully get the joke
;).  "Data not fish" indeed....

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