On Wed, Jan 01, 2003 at 11:21:29PM -0000, Dave Hooper wrote:
> > > While this is pretty much the best way to go from a paranoia standpoint,
> it
> > > seems to be the worst from a "people complaining that freenet is
> useless"
> > > standpoint. :)
> >
> > Why?
> Because:
> "* No CSS support. Hence CSS is blocked. Including inline style.
As I thought I made clear, this is a preliminary implementation, and
will be improved. If you want to live on the edge (i.e. run the devel
branch), you can expect a rough ride.
> * ?date= links, and "?"'s in checked links, are blocked again (this will
>   be fixed).
> * No <base href> support, this might hurt a few hand-coded sites
This will also get fixed.
> * Plenty of other bugs and unfeatures :)"
> At first glance one could be forgiven for thinking the new annonymity filter
> will perform "too" well, to the extent that present (and future) freesites
> are rendered unviewable. But as long as the "people" who are complaining
> about freenet useability stay clear of the unstable branch (as well they
> should) then I wouldn't expect too many complaints.  Unless the new filter
> is in the regular branch too...
It will eventually go into the regular branch. When it does it should
yield usability improvements due to a more sane filtering system, and
URL rewriting for external URLs (not implemented yet, but easy to do in
the new system).
> dave

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/1/03

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