I could really use some help testing the new SplitFile insertion and
retrieval code.  The best way to do this at the moment is to use 
the command line clients.  

The current default FEC encoder segments files greater than 128Mb.
I am most interested in files from 1Mb to 128Mb for now.  You can insert 
larger files if you want but it takes a long time.

If you find bugs post a stack trace to the list.

I am particularly interested in cases where the checksum fails for
downloaded files.



You can get a list of all the options by typing:

java freenet.client.cli.Main

Here's an example of an insert:

java freenet.client.cli.Main --htl 10 \
                             --threads 15 \
  put CHK@ lessig_valenti.mp3 

Here's an example of a request:

java freenet.client.cli.Main --skipDS --htl 15 --blockHtl 15 \
                                     --threads 10 \
    get CHK@cpEhv1ee6KTMOJoyra9OPEWQSqENAwI,rUXmNm1jXgaUqLRIRwg9pw btest.mp3 

You can turn on healing by setting --healPercentage <1-100> and
--healingHtl <some reasonable number, 5-25>

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