
It gives me pleasure to announce the first release of pyFreenet, which
now makes full freenet access available to your Python programs.

pyFreenet makes available all the fcptools ezFCPlib functions (for
inserting/retrieving keys, keyindexes etc) in a simple, easily-learned
but powerful object-oriented environment.

Usage of pyFreenet is as simple as:

        import freenet

        # Get an FCP host connection

        # create a freenet access object
        a = freenet.access()

        # now retrieve the key
        key, metadata = a.readKey("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

(I Must say I got a shock when I tried it on [EMAIL PROTECTED] - the routine
returned a string of binary data. Thought it was a bug, until I
retrieved [EMAIL PROTECTED] via fproxy into my web browser and saw what's
*now* in [EMAIL PROTECTED] :))

pyFreenet requires python2.x, python-dev, python-epydoc and, of course,
fcptools and FCP access to a running freenet node.

Download is available from:

Any bugs, build/install issues, strange happenings, alien abductions etc
- please report them to me.


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