Two things:

1. All the NIM's are broken with the current unstable version, they all display "Unknown Command".
2. Here is the current code in the HTML filter:

if (uri.startsWith("/servlet/")) {
String s = uri.substring("/servlet/".length());
if (s.startsWith("nodestatus/")) {
// Safe in absence of any data return mechanism
} else if (s.startsWith("nodeinfo/")) {
// ditto
} else if (s.startsWith("images/")) {
// always safe, image servlet checks for ..'s - FIXME: check!
} else if (s.equals("Insert") || s.startsWith("Insert/")) {
// needed for new NIM
} else
return null;

The current path (/servlet/Insert) doesn't seem to fit in very well...

Yves (avian)

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