ev'nin y'all...
I just felt like being more of a pain in the ass and tossing some more
work on my plate.  If you have a moment, please jump on freenet and
over to [EMAIL PROTECTED]/freenetOverJMS/2// 
Its a proposal for a modification I know some of you will hate or
think is way too much work to fit into the current release schedule
(will the roadmap be coming back?  on the old site it was listed from
the old old site [google for freenetproject.org/oldsite/index.php?page=roadmap])
Well, if you hate it for reasons *other* than because its too much work,
or if you have any feedback at all, please let me know.  
If it seems familiar, thats because I proposed a similar solution to the
same problem a month or so ago (check the archives for the thread titled
"http/fcp bridge idea" [a poor title, since I was really referring to an
http/fNp bridge]).  However, the problem hasn't gone away, and I think 
there's a really workable solution in the proposed project.  There's a 
lot of text in there (and one butt ugly MSPaint diagram), and yes, its 
a bit geeky, but I think I cover a lot of questions y'all might have.  
Thanks in advance for any feedback

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