On Sunday 02 March 2003 07:03 am, Roger Hayter wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes
> >People don't consider space permenantly occupied by Freenet the same way
> >that they might consider space needed by Freenet to do things that they
> >have asked it to do (like downloading a splitfile).  They should be able
> >to indicate their allocations for permenant datastore and temporary
> >space separately.
> The obvious thing to do would be to make tempDir=/tmp (or
> c:\windows\temp) the default. But then, only a few weeks ago people were
> complaining (especially people who provide a mainport service to a
> network or to the Internet - others presumably haven't looked where
> their browser stores temporary files) about Freenet plaintext files
> being left around in temporary locations - as is always likely when
> things crash.  I would suggest the above default, but warn those
> providing a fproxy service to other individuals that they can put
> temporary files in the datastore if they want them to be under better
> supervision.

Under Windows, the directory specified by the TEMP environment variable is 
within the users own 'Documents and settings" directory, which means any 
temp files should be private to the user in question.

On unix, use a directory under the users HOME directory ($HOME/tmp).

Jay Oliveri                                  "In the land of the blind,
GnuPG ID: 0x5AA5DD54                          the one-eyed man is king."
FCPTools Maintainer

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